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Sanctuary of Truth, Pattaya, Thailand

“Here is your truth. You have God within you. Live from that place and all will be well.”

Wayne Dyer

Sanctuary of Truth, Pattaya, Thailand

There are sites that propagate a specific religion and its principles. And then, there are places that only bring alive the universal values of goodness. The Sanctuary of Truth Museum is one such. It reveals the spiritual underpinning of many cultures and religions. As also witnessed at Wat Arun. At Pattaya, a destination known more for its beaches and nightlife, the museum is a serene break. 

It is a private museum owned and designed by Mr. Lek Viriyahphan. The work began in 1981 and is still in progress. Figures from Chinese, Hindu, and Buddhist mythology are carved in wood on its edifice. Two things to remember while on tour here; Conservative attire as expected in Thai temples, and wearing helmets – the site is under construction.

View from the outside

Symbolism from Taoism and Confucianism - ImageWrighter

👆1. Taoism and Confucianism find their place on one of four sides to the exterior facade.

Southern facade of Sanctuary of Truth - ImageWrighter

👆2. The Southern facade shows various Hindu Deities.

Intricate wood carved sculptures are all around - ImageWrighter

👆3. One of the many intricate wood-carved sculptures seen throughout the palace walls.

A Chinese style gong on the museum grounds - ImageWrighter

👆4. A Chinese style gong finds its place on the grounds of the museum. Visitors find peace in ringing it to ward off evils. An important Buddhist ritual practised across the world.

A carved pillar depicting the trinity of Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahesh - ImageWrighter

👆5. A mural of the Trinity of Brahma – The Creator, Vishnu – The Protector and Shiva – The Destroyer. Elephants or Erawan in Thai keeps recurring as a symbol of kindness, compassion, and destruction of evil for the good to emerge.

The Inside Story

One of the four hallways inside the temple - ImageWrighter

👆6. One of the four hallways inside the temple. The main frame is of hardwood and golden teak. These are coated with a special formulation to make them long-lasting.

Tenets of Mahayana Buddhism carved in the northern hallway - ImageWrighter

👆7. The northern hallway showcases the tenets of Mahayana Buddhism. They include being merciful and using intelligence to live for the positive growth of society.

At the eastern entrance, Shiva and Parvati with their two children, Ganesha and Kartikeya exemplify the concept and importance of familial love - ImageWrighter

👆8. At the eastern entrance, Shiva and Parvati with their two children, Ganesha and Kartikeya exemplify the concept and importance of familial love.

The Sanctuary of Truth is an oasis of calm in today’s chaotic times. Values and morals could be preachy but here they come alive through artisanship.

And it’s a wrap! More on culture and belief, coming up next week in a brand new series…

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